"Bring your own device" means thoughtful integration of personal mobile devices to better connect clinicians and their patients." Faced with pushes for value-based care and stricter reporting requirements, today’s healthcare systems are being challenged to reduce costs, focus more heavily on prevention and improve care overall. In response, they are turning to innovative digital solutions that put the patient at the center of a more integrated model of care delivery focused on improved access and better outcomes. And personal technology is helping to lead the way.
As smartphones and tablets have become more advanced and easier to use, they have become natural extensions of how we interact in all facets of our lives. Studies show more and more healthcare professionals are integrating smart devices into their daily activities and – even more important -- believe in the future of BYOD:
Clinicians are beginning to realize the very real benefits of BYOD programs, including reduced training burden, greater productivity, enhanced professional satisfaction and quick, effective decision-making. With faster access to email, files and test results, providers spend less time on clunky computer systems and more time with their patients. At the same time, health systems are embracing BYOD because it promises improved workflow, cost savings, better compliance with provisions of healthcare legislation such as the U.S. Affordable Care Act and easier recruitment of top-notch healthcare providers. We see this in the list of five key factors driving early adoption of BYOD innovations:
Indeed, there are numerous applications for BYOD in the healthcare workplace. Of course, digital health solutions and BYOD platforms also present unique challenges. These include issues related to data security, connectivity, IT user support and patient privacy concerns. As a leader in driving innovative solutions that protect both patients and providers, Philips is actively working to make sure our mobile solutions are secure, supported and private. It's already clear BYOD can facilitate better connections between healthcare systems, providers and patients across the care continuum. As more healthcare organizations develop policies and programs that support BYOD, it will be exciting to see how continued innovation in mobile products and services help yield better patient care and outcomes.
Lead of Ultra Mobile business for Philips Ultrasound
Randy Hamlin is shaping a new market space in diagnostic ultrasound with a vision to connect clinicians and patients to ultrasound at the point of care. He has led both engineering and marketing organizations during his time at Philips and speaks regularly at innovation and industry events on the topic of creating disruptive solutions and services that can improve healthcare.
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