By Philips ∙ jún. 01, 2020 ∙ 2 minutes
Hospices Civils de Lyon is a world-renowned university hospital center, comprising 13 French governmental hospitals and over 23,000 professionals. As France’s second largest university hospital, it has a prized reputation for research and innovation and a now longstanding relationship with Philips that affords it access to innovative equipment and the ability to co-develop new clinical applications that can accelerate research.
Operating from a strong CT installed base, the hospital hosts the first of its kind new Philips Spectral CT 7500 scanner and the latest Intellispace Portal versions and is supporting the clinical trials on the unique Photon Counting Prototype installed in CERMEP.
A twelve year long term strategic partnership to modernize Lyon’s imaging services and reinforce research activity while enhancing customer experience.
Hospices Civils de Lyon wanted to find new ways of providing better care (with a focus on its imaging provision), improve staff retention and predictably finance its innovation and research projects.
The partnership focused on embedding a world leading imaging offer through the addition of innovative equipment while also furthering the hospital’s world-renowned research activity.
Enhanced operational performance through the development of standardized clinical journeys, enhanced workflows and advanced technology.
Ground breaking research partnership with:
Committed to continually optimizing its health system, Hospices Civils de Lyon wanted to find new ways of providing better care (with a focus on its imaging provision), enhancing its attractiveness and abilities in staff retention, while managing its expenditure in order to finance its groundbreaking innovation and research projects.
In December 2015, Hospices Civils de Lyon entered into a twelve-year partnership with Philips to optimally manage its pool of existing and future imaging equipment. This ambitious partnership – the extent of which had never been seen before in France – would enable the university hospital to embed a world leading imaging offer, thanks to equipment even more innovative, to benefit the patient.
As well as helping to improve operational efficiencies, a key element to the partnership was the support from Philips to further this hospital’s world renowned research activity.
This support would include access to latest medical equipment as well as innovative services and research support in imaging, as well as mutually identified themes, from Philips’ own clinical and academic experts. Philips experts to join the team included scientists from Paris, Haifa, Hamburg, Bangalore, Bothell, Best, Cleveland and Eindhoven who all worked in close collaboration with the Hospices Civils de Lyon team. They were also further supported by the Philips Clinical Research Board, which provided input into the best practice collaboration framework and project execution structure.
Two key pillars of collaborative success Partnership pillar 1: Foundational Enhanced operational performance Working together with Hospices Civils de Lyon, Philips analyzed existing procedures and developed standardized clinical journeys or radiology workflows to reduce all repetitive or unnecessary steps along the way. Partnership pillar 2: Advanced Access to innovation and cutting-edge research and innovation support A unique element of this partnership is the commitment to collaborating onground-breaking clinical imaging research. The partnership went beyond the simple provision of equipment, to instead become an accelerator partner, supporting medical imaging research projects in various clinical fields such as oncology, neurological (stroke) and cardiovascular (acute myocardial infraction), with artificial Intelligence (to facilitate diagnosis) being a main component of those projects *Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
Just five years into the collaboration, the partnership has resulted in:
“This is a very close and productive collaboration for the CT BIU. We will have to pay attention to the valorisation of data while we move to the next phase of collaboration with the HCL.”
Clinical Science Director CT, CT BiU, Philips
“This partnership creates added value for both Hospices Civils de Lyon and Philips in terms of both imaging management and research. Through this project, Philips is putting its intelligence and power of innovation at the service of patients, healthcare professionals and the entire French healthcare system for more efficient, more effective and more personalized healthcare.”
President, Philips France.
Case study
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