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Medical device integration and surveillance

Liberate your device data and deliver insights to caregivers anytime, anywhere.

Vendor-neutral medical device integration

Philips Capsule can capture streaming clinical data from nearly any patient device, including waveforms, and deliver contextually rich device data for multiple uses, such as alarm management, decision support, clinical surveillance, retrospective analytics and research. When data is aggregated and presented in the context of the patient, clinical teams can prioritize and coordinate interventions more effectively and efficiently.


High-fidelity, high-frequency medical device data liberated by Philips Capsule can be shared with clinical information systems, databases and support applications* at all points of care:


  • Providing comprehensive information and context
  • Powering decision-making in care delivery
  • Fueling clinical research and predictive analysis

Demonstrated results from the global leader in medical device information and integration 



medical devices supported1



device manufacturers integrated1



clinical systems integrated1



Patients annually, connected > 300k beds1

Key capabilities

Philips Capsule delivers capabilities that move care and workflow forward, empowering clinicians with insightful decision support.

An empowering medical device information platform

The platform can enable data to move freely throughout the enterprise, present insights in context to the patient, power EMR tools and help manage workflows.

Vendor-neutral device and system integration

Philips Capsule can connect a device from nearly any other vendor and share its information to any system.

Clinical surveillance with actionable insights

Philips Capsule Surveillance** analyzes live-streaming actionable data and uses advanced clinical analytics to help identify potentially emergent events.

Retrospective analytics

Clinical Insights Manager is a service-enabled analytics solution that can help create actionable steps towards quality improvement, alarm management, clinical decisions and research initiatives.

Our approach

Our process of turning integrated medical device data into clinical insights helps to empower care teams to make proactive informed decisions.


We had high expectations for integration in every setting and Capsule exceeded them all.”

Lisa Levine

Supervisor of Clinical Systems for Memorial Healthcare System

Explore all we have to offer in Acute Care, including stories, our latest products and innovations, key capabilities and solutions, events and more.

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Global Headquarters

+1 800-260-9537

Support for Bernoulli Products

+1 800-811-5587


International Headquarters

+33 1 84 17 13 90


CapsuleTech, Asia Pacific PTE, LTD

+33 1 84 17 13 90

CapsuleTech Australia PTY LTD

+1 800-811-5587


Capsule Dubai Branch

+33 1 84 17 13 90

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Philips Capsule customer portal

Access product information, software downloads, device drivers and more.

Click here for more contact information.

*Device must be capable of data output and system must be able to receive HL7.
** Not available outside the U.S.

1 Data on file

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