34% increase in near-field lateral resolution and 10% increase in Doppler sensitivity2
83% of users surveyed felt that MicroFlow Imaging enhanced their visualization of organ perfusion3
95% of users agreed that micro-flow imaging (MFI) HD enhanced their diagnostic confidence4
71% agreed that diagnostic confidence was improved for labor and delivery portable exams5
Designed for the many different clinical environments of general imaging, point of care, and Ob/Gyn, the Philips Ultrasound 5300 series offers a feature-rich core and a versatile range of diagnostic solutions in a highly mobile, cleanable, easy-to-use system.
Compatible with PureWave transducers, the Philips Compact 5500 series combines premium portable ultrasound with exceptional imaging. Designed to overcome clinical challenges across general imaging, point of care, and Ob/Gyn, the 5500 series is built to be highly mobile, cleanable and easy-to-use.
The Compact 5500CV offers full functionality and first-scan answers in cardiac imaging, with automation for reproducible cardiac quantification. Offering a feature-rich core and a range of diagnostic solutions, it is one of the most reliable and robust compact systems on the market for cardiac care.
“The Philips Ultrasound Compact 5000 series represents a significant leap forward in compact, uncompromising, portable ultrasound.”
Michael S. Ruma, MD, MPH Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist President, Perinatal Associates of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, USA
[1] Based on 20 exams at 4 external evaluation sites. [2] When using the Philips S5-1 transducer and Adult Echo preset. [3] Based on 42 exams from 7 users at 4 external evaluation sites. [4] Based on 20 exams at 4 external evaluation sites. [5] Based on 31 exams at 4 external evaluation sites.
Results of case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
*Contract required. Collaboration Live is designed to enable clinical collaboration and consultation on the Philips Compact Ultrasound System 5000 series, but is not intended for diagnostic use on that series.
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