Radiography & Fluoroscopy
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Recycling passports
Radiography & Fluoroscopy

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Please find herewith the recycling passports for Radiography & Fluoroscopy products.




Diagnostic X-Ray Products  
PrimaryDiagnost AR 0000-007-04310
PrimaryDiagnost DR 0000-007-12310
DuraDiagnost 0000-007-12211
DuraDiagnost Compact 0000-007-12213
DigitalDiagnost Rel. 2.x 9890-010-83902
DigitalDiagnost Rel. 3.x 9890-010-83903
DigitalDiagnost Rel. 4.x 9890-010-83904
EasyDiagnost Eleva 9890-010-03631
EasyDiagnost Eleva DR 9890-010-03632
BuckyDiagnost 9890-010-83821
DuoDiagnost 9848-500-51001
PCR Eleva Userstation 9890-010-83731
Bucky MRS 0000-007-04012
Essenta DR 9890-101-83781
Essenta DR Compact 9890-101-83781
Essenta RC 9890-605-61921
Juno DRF 9890-010-04501
Mobile System  
MobileDiagnost Opta 0000-007-12301
MobileDiagnost Opta AR 0000-007-12301
MobileDiagnost wDR Rel. 1.x 9890-010-89521
MobileDiagnost wDR Rel. 2.x 9890-010-89522
Practix Convenio 9890-010-83631
Practix 33Plus 9890-010-81801
Practix 300/400 9890-010-82692
Practix 160 9890-010-83711
Practix 360 9890-010-88401
MammoDiagnost AR 9890-010-83981
MammoDiagnost DR 2.0 9890-010-87661
MammoDiagnost 9890-010-83981
MammoDiagnost Screening 9890-010-83001
MammoDiagnost Diagnosis 9890-010-83011
MammoDiagnost Multi Care 9890-010-83021
MammoDiagnost Screening Plus 9890-010-83791
Diagonistic X-Ray Sub-System  
BuckyDiagnost CS 9890-010-06522
BuckyDiagnost FS 9890-010-83651
BuckyDiagnost VS


BuckyDiagnost TH2/TF 9890-010-06503
BuckyDiagnost VE2/VT2 9890-010-06512
DigitalDiagnost TH2 9848-600-02222
DigitalDiagnost THS 9890-010-84301
DigitalDiagnost VM 9890-010-82662
DigitalDiagnost Eleva Workspot 9890-010-87551
EasyDiagnost Eleva Basic 9890-010-03621
Height Adjustable Trolley 9890-010-87311
Wireless Portable Detector 9890-010-87551
Bucky Optimus 30/40 9890-010-82591
PCR Reader  
PCR Corado Reader 4512-201-02671
PCR Eleva S 4512-201-04281
PCR Eleva S Hi-res Reader 4512-201-04301
PCR Eleva S Plus Reader 4512-201-04291
PCR CosimaX Reader


Microdose Systems  
MicroDose SI L50 WE and WG 4512 2010  9531 / 4512 2010 9541
MicroDose SI L50 AE and AG 4512 2010  9511 / 4512 2010 9521
MicroDose SI L50 WE and WG 4512 201 09531 / 4512 201 09541
MicroDose SI L50 AE and AG 4512 201 09511 / 4512 201 09521
MicroDose SI L50U 4512 201 10321
MicroDose L30 AE and AG 4512 201 08011 / 4512 201 08021
MicroDose L30 WE and WG 4512 201 08031 / 4512 201 08041


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