Radiology informatics solutions
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Clinical workflow solutions

Manage patient-centered workflows virtually anywhere by synchronizing databases across different departments, vendors and locations.

Our comprehensive clinical workflow management solution improves collaborative efficiency with a paperless workflow and global worklist.

  • Seamlessly connect your existing RIS and PACS implementations across multiple vendors and sites.
  • Add workflow modules without costly integrations.
  • Improve reading load-balancing with intelligent worklist management.
  • Enhance collaboration with peer review and critical results notification.

Workflow management modules

Radiology Information System

The web module includes all the capabilities needed to manage everything from patient scheduling to walk-in registration and results distribution while improving security, saving time and optimizing accuracy.​

wofkflow information interface screen in a monitor

Every operation is intuitive, reducing the time required to complete all steps. Full, comprehensive information is accessible in every view, and the preparation of the patient is a simple, step-by-step process.​

Use the available zero-footprint web interface to request reports and workflows from various departments, either before or after acquiring and storing clinical data.

Web-based exam scheduling offers simplicity in any setting to improve the patient experience and facilitate communication with care providers.

Global worklist

Index multiple archives stored on servers throughout your healthcare enterprise in order to present a single worklist seamlessly to end users.

global worklist interface screen in a monitor

Permission-based import ensures that authorized users and groups have access to manage exams, orders, patients and documents.

Display multiple worklists on a single screen, such as a subspecialty worklist plus a general radiology worklist.

Directly launch the diagnostic viewer and reporting solutions.

Features & benefits

Shared global worklist
Image acquisition and reporting can be performed seamlessly across multiple sites. Residents can be on call for more than one site at the same time.

Workflow orchestrator

Automatically deliver the most urgent studies to the most qualified radiologists to expedite reading and reporting so that appropriate treatment can be given as quickly as possible.

workflow orchestrator interface screen on a monitor

Users can read studies based on subspecialty and organize a peer review process to elevate the quality of diagnosis.

Automatically present the most relevant study to speed turnaround time. Use the real-time analytics dashboard to track performance and service metrics for actionable analytics.

Access reports and follow-up by ordering physician. Use screen sharing, chat and link invitations to simplify and improve collaborative relationships.

Features & benefits

workflow orchestrator features L M

Functions seamlessly with all the Philips Clinical Collaboration Platform modules (Enterprise Viewer, Interactive Reporting, Administration and of course the Diagnostic Client).

Provides sub-specialized and prioritized worklists, including relationship management.

Load balancing
Supports more evenly balanced reading workloads.

Quality control
Improve quality control of readings through peer review.

Exposure mechanism
Ensures that all exams are read, with our "No Study Left Behind" exposure mechanism.

No expensive integrations
Delivers exceptional performance by eliminating the need for expensive integrations between disparate systems.


What if the right radiologist were automatically chosen to read the right case at the right time?

Are you looking for indexing multiple archives stored on disparate servers to automatically deliver the most urgent studies to the most qualified available radiologists can expedite reading and reporting so that appropriate treatment can be given as quickly as possible?

Learn how having all relevant patient information and studies in one view at the right radiologist fingertips can ensure a streamlined experience as well as improved patient outcomes.

Managing a multi-site radiology practice with AI-based workflow.

Automatically deliver the most urgent studies to the most qualified radiologists to expedite reading and reporting so that appropriate treatment can be given as quickly as possible.

* Video credited to and provided by ITN Imaging Technology News,

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Additional resources

imaging platform connecting disparate sites use case

Are you looking for integrating medical imaging into a regional multisite environment?

Learn how to successfully connect and integrate facilities across multiple locations to provide a unified source of accurate imaging data, accessible virtually anywhere with a well-defined scheduling.

Our portfolio extensions

enterprise imaging icon

Enterprise imaging

radiology informatics icon

Radiology informatics

- Some products/solutions are only available in selected countries. Please consult your Philips representative for further details.

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