Distributor: SARL Aktouf Legal Address:Lot belbouab,section 145,Ilot83 Bordj Bou Arreridj Zip Code: 34000 City: Bordj Bou Arreridj Phone: 00213 21 69 22 88 Country: Algeria Email: y.aktouf@aktoufmedical.com Distributor: Industries Medico-Chirurgicales S.A.R.L | IMC Legal Address:Voie A, BP26, Zone industrielle de Rouiba, Rouiba, Algérie Zip Code:16017 City: Rouiba Country: Algeria Phone: +213 23 85 01 44, Ext 1102 Fax: +213 23 85 01 49 Email: zouhir.allam@imc-dz.com Website: www.imc.dz
Distributor: Mali Plus Legal Address20 rue Nezzar Kbaili City: Alger Country: Algeria Phone: +213 (0) 21 78 27 13 / +213 (0) 21 78 14 72 Fax: +213 (0) 21 78 27 13 / +213 (0) 21 78 14 72 Email: mp-pharma@maliplusdz.com
Distributor: Hemoangola Lda Legal Address:Rua Kwamme Nkrumah, 205, Bairro do Maculusso – Sagrada Família, NIF 540 112 4406 City: Município da Ingombota, Luanda Country: Angola Phone: M + 244 936 380 003 Website: https://hemoangola.pt Distributor: Promed Account Name: Philips East Africa
Address: Belas Business Park, Edifício Cabinda, Escritório 304
City: Luanda
Country: AngolaTel: +244-946-14-60-50
Contact: Helder Matos
Email: philips.eastafrica@philips.com
Website: https://www.promed-int.com/about-us/yapama/
Distributor:Perino Lda Legal Address: Cacém Park - Armazém 1, EN 249-3 Alto da Bela Vista Zip Code: 2735-307 City: Cacém Country: Portugal Phone: +351 214 155 213 Fax: +351 214 155 209 Email: geral@thl.pt Website: https://www.thl.pt/
Distributor: BEREC SARL Address: Carré /343 Ayélawadjè City: Cotonou Country: Benin Email: berecmedical@yahoo.fr/ berecmedical@hotmail.fr Patient Care and Monitoring System Emergency Care Hospital Respiratory Care
Distributor: Intermedic Cote d' Ivoire Legal Address: Lot 311, Quartier ENA, 2 Plateaux Zip Code: Not Applicable P.O.B: 01BP6444ABJ01 City: Abidjan Country: Cote D'ivoire Phone: +225 27 22 41 24 17/8/9 Mobile :+225 07 57 40 30 30 Email: CI@intermedic.com Website: www.intermedic.com
Distributor: FUTURE Health and Technologies ltd. Legal Address: Plot 1528 Kacyiru No 10, KG 567 Street City: Kigali PO Box: 746 Country: Rwanda Phone: +250 580068 Fax: +250 580082 Email: info@fh-t.com Website: www.fh-t.com
Distributor: Intermedic Cameroon Legal Address: Quartier Bastos City: Yaoundé Country: Cameroon Phone: +961-3-450499 Email: joy.farah@intermedic.com Website: www.saturntrust.com
Distributor: Perino, Lda Legal Address: Cacém Park - Armazém 1, EN 249-3 Alto da Bela Vista Zip Code: 2735-307 City: Cacém Country: Portugal Phone: +351 214 155 213 Fax: +351 214 155 209 Email: geral@thl.pt Website: https://www.thl.pt/
Cacém Park - Armazém 1,
EN 249-3 Alto da Bela Vista,
2735-307, Cacém
Distributor: Ducray Lenoir International Ltd. Legal Address: 19, Poivre Street City: Port-Louis Country: Mauritius Phone: +230 202 7700 Fax: +230 202 7701 Email: pcheung@ducray-lenoir.com
Distributor: Societe Generale d Equipement SARL SOGEQ Address: N° 248/B 3ème Rue Industriel, C/Limete City: Kinshasa Country: Democratic Republic of Congo Phone: +243811841841 Email: nchahin@sogecsarl.com
Distributor: Compagnie Africaine de Construction (CAC) Legal Address: Avenue Gallieni/Mpilla, Sise villa ex-usica City: Brazzaville Country: Republic of the Congo Phone: +242053417392 Email: patrick.balou@cac-congo.com
Distributor: MEMAGI Medical Imports Plc City: Addis Ababa Country: Ethiopia Phone: +251911206316 Email: dawit.desalegn@memagi.com;
Address: 3rd Floor, 302 Rakan Building, Cape Verde Avenue, Bole
Distributor: Philips Medical Systems Egypt Distributor: H2A Medical solutions CO S.A.E | اتش تو اية للحلول الطبية Account Name: H2A Medical solutions CO S.A.E | اتش تو اية للحلول الطبية Ultrasound Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
City Stars -Capital 8 , FL.12
Nasr City Cairo
Telephone: +2 02 24801450 231
Address: 8- ِAlmansouria-Alahram street - Giza -Egypt
City: Giza
PO Box: 686
Country: Egypt
Phone: +220233891470
F | +202 3605 41 35
E | madel@h2amedics.com
Distributor: Alfa Healthcare
Address: 36 B1 Markaz Kahdmat 1st settlement New Cairo
City: Cairo
Country: Egypt
Tel : +202 2247 0911 - +202247 0912
Email: info.egypt@alfahealthcare.com
Website: https://eg.alfahealthcare.com/
Distributor: VitalAir Egypt 25 Misr Helwan Agriculture Rd. (Elzeini Tower ) Maadi, Telephone: 202 27515312 Please contact them for questions on any of the following product groups:
Fax: 202 23589291
Email: Reham.Badrawy@Liguide.com
Contact Person: Reham Badrawy
Distributor: Egyptian Group for Import & Export City: Cairo PO Box: 11799 Country: Egypt Phone: +20-2-22687712/3 Fax: +20-2-22687714 Email: asalah@egmed.com Website: https://www.egmed.com/ Patient Care and Monitoring System
Address: 11 Ebad El Rahman, Sheraton Heliopolis
Hospital Respiratory Care
Clinical Informatics Systems
Distributor: MEMAGI Medical Imports Plc Please contact them for questions on any of the following product groups:
Address: 3rd Floor, 302 Rakan Building, Cape Verde Avenue, Bole
City: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia
Phone: +251911206316
Email: dawit.desalegn@memagi.com; yosef.desta@memagi.com
Distributor: MEMAGI Medical Imports Plc Address: 3rd Floor, 302 Rakan Building, Cape Verde Avenue, Bole
City: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia
Phone: +251911206316
Email: dawit.desalegn@memagi.com; yosef.desta@memagi.com
Distributor: Perino, Lda Address: Cacém Park - Armazém 1, EN 249-3 Alto da Bela Vista Zip Code: 2735-307 City: Cacém Country: Portugal Phone: +351 214 155 213 Fax: +351 214 155 209 Email: geral@thl.pt Website: https://www.thl.pt/
Distributor: GABON MEDICAL SERVICES Address: 3NZENG-AYONG (Dragage) 4896 City: Libreville Country: Gabon Phone: +24177 16 36 35 Email: m.obiang@gmslibreville.com
Distributor: Advent International Limited Philips West Africa Legal Address: C244/14 Wawalane Dzorwulu City: Accra Country: Ghana Phone: +233248001822 Email: info@adventlimited.com Website: www.adventlimited.com
Distributor: HealthTech Ghana Limited Address: Tesano Commercial Plaza, Abeka Road, Tesano City: Accra Country: Ghana Phone: +233 302 269 594 Email: office@healthtechghana.com Website: https://healthtechghana.com
Distributor: Philips West Africa Address: 2nd Floor BPAHeights, #11 Dodi Lane, Airport Residential Area City: Accra Country: Ghana Tel: +233242439406 Contact: Evelyn Lokko Email: evelyn.lokko@philips.com Website: https://healthtechghana.com
Distributor: Philips East Africa Address: Landmark Plaza, 4th Floor, Northern WingArgwings Kodhek Road City: Nairobi Country: Kenya Tel (switchboard): +254 (0)20663 6000; +254 (0)202711 882/ 885/ 886; Contact: John Ndeti Email: philips.eastafrica@philips.com
Distributor: Angelica Medical Supplies Limited Legal Address: A3 Chemusian Apartment Hurlingham – Nairobi Zip Code: 00200 City: Nairobi PO Box: 50201 Nairobi Country: Kenya Phone: +233248001822 Email: info@adventlimited.com Website: www.adventlimited.com
Distributor: Philips SA (Pty) Ltd Address: Woodmead North Office Park, Philips Building,54 Maxwell Drive, Woodmead, Johannesburg City: Johannesburg Country: South Africa Tel (switchboard): +27 11 4715000 Contact: Romulen Pillay
Distributor: Assada Company for the Importation of Medical Equipment and Materials (ACMEM) Legal Address: 20 Jalal Biar Street (next to Embassy of the Netherlands), Dhara City: Tripoli PO Box: 4554 Country: Libya Phone: +218 21 721 0378/ 720 4181 Fax: +218 21 444 3759 Email: pms@acmem.eu Website: www.acmem.com
Distributor : Ducray Lenoir International Ltd. Legal Address: 19, Poivre Street City: Port-Louis Country: Mauritius Phone: +230 202 7700 Fax: +230 202 7701 Email: pcheung@ducray-lenoir.com
Distributor: Horizon Healthcare Biomedical Services Legal Address: Plot 14/50 Area 14 Off Presidential Way, P.O. Box 1604 City: Lilongwe Country: Malawi Phone: +265 99 930 5868 email: mwakasungulac@horizonhealth.co.zw
Distributor: MEDICAL GENERAL SYSTEMS Legal Address: Rue 329 Imm. Ramata KOITE Hamdallaye ACI 2000 City: Bamako Country: Mali Phone: +223 20232882 / +223 76518585 / +223 77722749 Email: gtoure@mgs-mali.com / sdiane@mgs-mali.com Website: www.mgs-mali.com
Distributor: Ducray Lenoir Ltd. Legal Address: 19, Poivre Street City: Port-Louis Country: Mauritius Phone: +230 202 7700 Fax: +230 202 7701 Email: dbetchoo@ducray-lenoir.com
Distributor: Numelec Distributor: Numelec Maroc SARL Legal Address: 91, Rue Abou Alaa Zahr, Quartier des Hopitaux Zip Code: 20100 City: Casablanca Country: Morocco Phone: +212 22 86 58 20 /18 Fax: +212 22 86 5816 Email: numelecmaroc@gmail.com / gm.assist@numelecmaroc.ma Website: www.numelecmaroc.com
Distributor: SCRIM SA. Legal Address: 22 Zankat Al Mariniyne City: Rabat Country: Morocco Phone: + 212 (0) 5 37 56 64 84 Fax: + 212 (0) 5 37 56 64 85 Email: scrim@scrim.ma Website: www.scrim.ma
Distributor: Perino, Lda Address: Cacém Park - Armazém 1, EN 249-3 Alto da Bela Vista Zip Code: 2735-307 City: Cacém Country: Portugal Phone: +351 214 155 213 Fax: +351 214 155 209 Email: geral@thl.pt Website: https://www.thl.pt/
Distributor: POSITRONICA S.A. Address: Socogim L'ilot 602 BIS Zip Code: 35004 City: Nouakchott Country: Mauritania Email: info@positronica.com Website: www.positronica.com
Distributor: Biodynamics (Pty) Ltd Legal Address: 10 Etienne Rousseau Street City: Windhoek PO Box: 2191 Country: Namibia Tel: 061 268 700/711 Email: info@biodynamics.com.na Website: www.biodynamics.com.na Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/BioDynamicsNA
Distributor: PPC Limited Legal Address: 8 KOFO ABAYOMI STREET, VICTORIA ISLAND City: Lagos Country: Nigeria Phone: +234 (1) 2700230234 (1) 2700231234 (1)2700232234 (1).2700233 Fax: +234 (9) 3145081 Email: enquiries@ppcng.com Website: www.ppcng.com
Distributor: FUTURE Health and Technologies ltd. Legal Address: Plot 1528 Kacyiru No 10, KG 567 Street City: Kigali PO Box: 746 Country: Rwanda Phone: +250 580068 Fax: +250 580082 Email: info@fh-t.com Website: www.fh-t.com
Distributor: Philips West Africa Address: 2nd Floor BPAHeights, #11 Dodi Lane, Airport Residential Area City: Accra Country: Ghana Tel: +233242439406 Contact: Evelyn Lokko Email: evelyn.lokko@philips.com
Distributor: Ducray Lenoir International Ltd. Legal Address: 19, Poivre Street City: Port-Louis Country: Mauritius Phone: +230 202 7700 Fax: +230 202 7701 Email: pcheung@ducray-lenoir.com
Distributor: Philips West Africa Address: 2nd Floor BPAHeights, #11 Dodi Lane, Airport Residential Area City: Accra Country: Ghana Tel: +233242439406 Contact: Evelyn Lokko Email: evelyn.lokko@philips.com
Distributor : Philips East Africa Address: Landmark Plaza, 4th Floor, Northern WingArgwings Kodhek Road City: Nairobi Country: Kenya Tel (switchboard): +254 (0)20663 6000; +254 (0)202711 882/ 885/ 886; Contact: John Ndeti Email: philips.eastafrica@philips.com
Distributor : Philips East Africa Address: Landmark Plaza, 4th Floor, City: Nairobi Country: Kenya Tel (switchboard): +254 (0)20663 6000; +254 (0)202711 882/ 885/ 886; Contact: John Ndeti Email: philips.eastafrica@philips.com
Northern Wing
Argwings Kodhek Road
Philips SA (Pty) Ltd Address: Woodmead North Office Park, Philips Building,54 Maxwell Drive, Woodmead, Johannesburg City: Johannesburg Country: South Africa Tel (switchboard): +27 11 4715000 Contact: Romulen Pillay
Distributor: East Cape X-Ray C.C Address 67 Mangold Street Newton Park Zip Code: 6055 City: Port Elizabeth Country: South Africa (Eastern Cape) Phone: 041 365 3208 Fax: 041 3655078 Email: gkeulder@eastcapexray.co.za Website: https://www.eastcapexray.com/
Distributor: Glenmed Address: 42 Clyde Avenue, Musgrave Zip Code: 4001 City: Durban PO Box: 1656, Westville 3630 Country: South Africa (KZN) Phone: +27 31 202 4115 Email: sales@glenmed.co.za Website: https://www.glenmedsolutions.com/
Distributor: ELBARBARY HEALTHCARE LTD | البربري هيلث كير المحدودة Address Elbarbary Group HQ, 60 Street Branch PZU Branch City: Khartioum Country: Sudan Phone: +249 183 483998; +249 183 483952 Email: info@elbarbary.sd Website: http://medical.elbarbary.sd/
Distributor: Philips East Africa Address: Landmark Plaza, 4th Floor, Northern Wing City: Nairobi Country: Kenya Tel (switchboard): +254 (0)20663 6000; +254 (0)202711 882/ 885/ 886; Contact: John Ndeti Email: philips.eastafrica@philips.com
Argwings Kodhek Road
Distributor: Philips SA (Pty) Ltd Address: Woodmead North Office Park, Philips Building,54 Maxwell Drive, Woodmead, Johannesburg City: Johannesburg Country: South Africa Tel (switchboard): +27 11 4715000 Contact: Romulen Pillay
Distributor: Medical Systems SARL "Medisys" Legal Address: Rue 65 Sacré Coeur – VDN – Villa N° 9546 Dakar, Sénégal Zip Code: 15842 City: Dakar - Fann Country: Senegal Phone: +221 33 869 04 03 Fax: +221 33 869 03 39 Email: nchahin@medisys-africa.com
Distributor: Mokasi Medical Systems and Electronics Services Legal Address: 45/46 Chimara street, Palm Residency Building (opposite Ocean Road Hospital), Ground Floor City: Dar es Salaam PO Box: 1778 Country: Tanzania Telephone: +255 22 2924103, Mobile: +255 655764629 Fax: +255 22 2924106 E-mail: info@mokasi.co.tz Website: https://memagi.com/ Please contact them for questions on any of the following product groups:
Distributor: Sciex Limited Address: 553 School Road, Off Senga Road Mikocheni City: Dar-es-Salaam Country: Tanzania Tel : +255 22 2701525/6 | +255 699 687772 | +255 677 687772 Email: info@sciexafrica.com, sales@sciexafrica.com, service@sciexafrica.com Website: https://www.sciexafrica.co.tz Contact: Mochael Tattos
Distributor: SOCIETE TUNISIENNE D'INDUSTRIE ELECTRONIQUE & TELEVISION (STIET) Zip Code: 1073 City: Tunis Country: Tunisia Phone: +216 31 384 268 / + 216 31 384 287 Fax: +216 71 951238 Email: contact@stiet.com.tn
Legal Address: Immeuble Jamel, 15, Rue Borjine, Montplaisier
Distributor: Peja Africa | Uganda Office Plot 30 Lumumba Avenue | Soliz Courts P.O. Box 10013 Kampala-UGANDA OfficeTel: Tel +256 414 236809 Email: peja@infocom.co.ug URL: www.peja.nl Your contact person: Edward Lukwago Please contact them for questions on any of the following product groups:
Distributor: AFRICORP HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS LIMITED Legal Address: PLOT L/2134/M/B/5, IBEX HILL Zip Code: 10101 City: Lusaka Country: Zambia Phone: +260953020081 Website: www.africorp-healthcare.com Email: avinash@africorp-healthcare.com
Distributor: Horizon Healthcare Services (Pvt) Limited Legal Address: 4 Oswald Close Mt. Pleasant City: Harare Country: Zimbabwe Phone: +263772570531 Email: chibotak@horizonhealth.co.zw Website: www.horizonhealthservices.co.zw
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