Our scalable radiology informatics platforms compile and deliver information from multiple sources to any workstation, even outside the hospital, so clinical decisions can be made at any time and from virtually anywhere. By integrating the data to show a full patient picture over time, we can enhance clinical decision support to help reduce the number of unnecessary scans.
Phoenix Children’s Hospital is using clinical informatics with adaptive intelligence to structure healthcare data across multiple sources and make the invisible, visible through medical data visualization*.
Features in the IntelliSpace PACS system help radiologists at Sint Franciscus Gasthuis in the Netherlands keep up with their increasing workload*.
*Results from this facility are not predictive of results in other facilities. Results in other facilities may vary.
Enterprise imaging: Making IT possible, together
What are your biggest challenges in informatics? Whether its interoperability across your enterprise or achieving greater standardization of care, we partner with you to deeply understand your infrastructure and operations, and deliver solutions that help your transform your health system. Reach out using the form below to get started.
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